Tim Spratlin
Phone: 404-535-0358
Email: tspratlin@carrollton-ga.gov
Battalion Chief Tim Spratlin was born in Carrollton, GA. and began employment with The Carrollton Fire Department in July of 1989 after High School. He began his career as a volunteer firefighter with the Carroll County Fire Department in 1988. Chief Spratlin worked his way through the ranks to become Battalion Chief of The Carrollton Fire Department at an early age. Chief Spratlin has been to numerous Fire related and management schools to provide his leadership to the Carrollton Fire Department, including Floyd Technical College, and Carroll Technical College. Chief Spratlin has a wealth of professional compliments both personally and professionally after becoming an Officer with the Carrollton Fire Department. Chief Spratlin has been a lifelong employee of The Carrollton Fire Department with many years of experience, loyalty, dedication, and has the respect of his co-workers and community that he provides service for.