Non-Commercial Outdoor Burning

For Approval contact Carrollton Fire Battalion Chief @ 404-535-0358

  • Outdoor burning is only allowed from October1st-April 30th
  • Always check the Fire Weather Forecast and Current Fire Danger Rating for your area before initiating any type of outdoor burn.
  • It is unlawful to burn man-made material such as household garbage, lumber or plastic.
  • Only burn all-natural vegetation such as grass and hedge clippings, limbs, leaves, pine cones, and other naturally occurring debris on the premises which they occur.
  • Debris cannot be collected at one location and hauled/transported to another site for the purposes of burning.
  • Once collected and transported, the debris will become subjected to EPD rules concerning solid waste and cannot be burned.


Outdoor burning authorization is for Hand-piled Natural Vegetation/Yard Debris. (Leaf and Limbs only)

The Carrollton Fire Department advises burners to carefully plan their burn by remembering the “S-S-T-A-R” formula:


S – Space – 25+ feet between fire and woodlands

S – Space – 50+ feet between fire and structures

T – Time – sunrise to sunset

A – Attendance – Person responsible on-site until the fire is extinguished

R – Reasonable precautions – Tools/measures in place to prevent escaped fire. Some examples are: tools/measures in place to prevent escaped fire. These include: continuous pressurized water source on site; man-made or natural barrier to contain fire, such as bare soil, rocks, bricks, burn barrel, etc.; hand tools or fire-containing equipment on site, such as rake, shovel, garden hoe, etc.; weather awareness – to NWS red flag warnings, High Fire Danger designation of Very High or Extreme days and other hazardous conditions, low relative humidity, high winds, etc.