The Carrollton Fire Department takes a proactive approach towards fire safety and prevention, targeting Home Life, Schools, and the work environment.
At Home, The fire department will conduct home and chimney inspections, test for carbon monoxide, and assist with the proper installations of smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. As well as assist in the creation of a home escape plan in case of a fire.
At school, each year during October which is national fire safety month, The Fire Department visits elementary schools and teaches fire safety. Some of the subjects include: how to use “911” emergency phone system, how to escape from your home
if there is a fire or you see smoke, creating a safe meeting place outside your home once you are outside, what to do if you clothes catch fire, how smoke detectors work and their importance, the dangers of playing with matches or lighters, and how
firefighters look and sound with their protective clothing and air pack on. The children are given informational coloring books, and badges to take home to remind them of those important fire safety topics. Parents are always encouraged to bring their children by the fire stations for a tour and to talk about fire safety. Children from the elementary level through high school are taught fire safety and prevention through special programming events, career days, mentoring programs and the safe kids program.
At the High School level, safety and prevention education is advanced towards being a safe driver and responsible citizen. Each year, along with law enforcement groups the fire department demonstrates vehicle extrication, reckless driving and the
dangers of drinking and driving are discussed. Fire safety classes are taught on an advanced level and classes in fire extinguishers, CPR and first aid are made available.
At work, the fire department assists commercial and industrial facilities with fire safety inspections, fire extinguisher classes for the employees, CPR and first Aid classes, building evacuation plans, and teaches industrial fire brigades. The Fire
Department also creates prefire plans for commercial properties and conducts fire inspections of restaurants and other places of assembly.